Tuesday, February 21, 2012


So, I finished my 6 week challenge at the Y and my total weight loss since the beginning of Whole30 is still 14 lbs.  I'm at 151.6 now.  That might not sound like a big deal to most, but I am really proud of that!  It is really hard for a 40 yr old to lose weight!

The sad part is that I still have it in my mind that I can eat junk and be happy in my body.  My experimentation is officially over - after 19 days.  My blood pressure was up today when I went to the doc, and I can probably attribute it to my chocolate and cookie intake over the past couple of days.

 Last week I ditched diet coke for good.  I'm not going to make any other declarations about what food I am or am not going to eat, but I don't really miss bread -- and I won't miss what it does to my system!  And sugar is really the enemy.  Not a new truth, but one that needs to be ever present in my daily life.

My pride makes me not like eating paleo because it seems like such a cool fad that cool people do.  I don't want to just be in the latest fad.  So, I need to just not care about that and do what's right for me.  The one thing I don't want to do is be annoying at holidays and family functions.  But I'll figure that out soon enough!

annafit4life signing out.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Not fun

So, I have pretty much discovered that i can eat nothing (except maybe some dairy) that doesn't upset my stomach.  I did ruin my "control group" experience by testing more than one food group.  oops!  my stomach is jacked up and I haven't eaten big portions of anything.

organic peanut butter with no sugar added -- didn't like me (come to think of it, the peanuts i ate yesterday tasted great, but didn't go down as well either.  big big bummer!)
chocolate -- it's a no go, but I'm not giving up till i find one that is nicer. (a peanut m&m didn't hurt me! yay!)
bacon -- absolutely no way!  I may have it as a garnish, but it really tore me up.
one goldfish - that went down okay
2 bites of homemade sourdough pizza -- surprisingly didn't bother me.  Hm.  And I thought bread was my biggest enemy.  Unless my stomach was so immune that it didn't have to ache anymore.  Sad, if true.
3 kernels of target popcorn. -- oh man, was that awful!  i could smell that it was gonna mess me up before I ate it.
2 diet cokes - don't think this is having any immediate negative effect that I can feel, but maybe it's contributing to the bloated belly.

Did I mention that my bloating is totally back? Yep!  I may be less weight, but my pooch is back. argggh!  Jordan is convinced that I need to have my doctor find out what is really wrong with me.  I think it is because of Whole30 cleaning me out that I can literally FEEL everything going into my stomach.  Everything!  Do I really want to stay that sensitive to all foods?  Do I really need to give up so much, forever?  This is kinda depressing.

So, tomorrow's plan for Day 34: eat Whole30 (plus cream in my coffee). Period. I prefer feeling good throughout the day.  Really. I want my happy tummy back!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

DAY 31

So what did I enjoy today?
What did I NOT enjoy today?

Reintroducing Dairy and Diet Coke
Cream in my coffee was not disappointing.  Wow! So wonderful.  And as far as I can tell, went down without a hitch.  I have a very responsive stomach to things it doesn't like.

Next stop: Sonic.  Diet Coke was also not a disappointment.  Tasted great. And although I'm not as used to carbonation in general now, it didn't bother my tummy.  I will say that the 2nd Diet Coke in the afternoon, did start to bother me.  Two in one day wasn't the best idea.

Hershey's bars are sectioned off into small little rectangles.  I have been using the little rectangle pieces to top peanut butter cookies lately, so I thought: Hm... milk chocolate is dairy.  I'll try a square.  I bit 1/2 of the square and it tasted kinda boring.  Didn't like it enough to eat the rest of the piece.  I just threw it away.  Weird.  didn't enjoy that too much.  I wonder if it was just that type of chocolate or my taste for chocolate has been altered. I'm not sure how I feel about it either way.

I did one more unpleasant act when I grabbed a small palm filled with Archer Farms Monster Trail Mix.  So many tastes and flavors!  But not worth the bloating or cramped feeling in my upper abdomen.  Sugar is not my friend -- even in the smallest dose.

After these experiments I found myself craving my faithful almonds and a salad.  Really? I crave salad now?  I think that's weirder than not liking the Hershey's chocolate.

I am reading through 2 Corinthians and my scripture a couple of days ago landed here: 2 Cor. 7:1.  I wonder how important keeping my body clear before God matters to him?  This verse makes it seem like it is as important as keeping my spirit clear before him.  I have a long way to go before I understand all of this, but I like the journey!


p.s.  did i mention that cream with coffee ROCKS!?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Whole30 Day 30

Well, it's finally here!  I can hardly believe it!  I feel like a changed woman and I am praying that I can have the wisdom and self-control to keep up the good work!

I am happy to report that I won the "biggest loser" challenge for week 3 at the Y with 3.8lbs lost.  What in the world!?  I go from being so low on the leader board that I didn't even show up on it, to winning!  It's hilarious!  Maybe some folks are slowing down.  I'm just trying to keep a steady pace.  It was encouraging though.  I pick up my prize today.  Wonder what it is...  I didn't even look at the prize this week because I knew there was no way I was going to win it. 

As of Monday's weigh in I lost 14 quality, healthy pounds during these past 30 days.  With no starvation -- just a lot of saying "no" to the things that weigh me down.  There is SO much spiritual application that I have taken away from this journey!  The discipline of my body has leaked over into my spiritual disciplines.  I feel more clear, more responsive, and I feel stronger in my mind, body, and spirit.

I will keep posting through the next couple of weeks about my gradual food re-entry.  Tomorrow I begin with dairy.  My goal is to find out what things really bother me and what things are fine to eat without repercussion.
