Saturday, February 4, 2012

Not fun

So, I have pretty much discovered that i can eat nothing (except maybe some dairy) that doesn't upset my stomach.  I did ruin my "control group" experience by testing more than one food group.  oops!  my stomach is jacked up and I haven't eaten big portions of anything.

organic peanut butter with no sugar added -- didn't like me (come to think of it, the peanuts i ate yesterday tasted great, but didn't go down as well either.  big big bummer!)
chocolate -- it's a no go, but I'm not giving up till i find one that is nicer. (a peanut m&m didn't hurt me! yay!)
bacon -- absolutely no way!  I may have it as a garnish, but it really tore me up.
one goldfish - that went down okay
2 bites of homemade sourdough pizza -- surprisingly didn't bother me.  Hm.  And I thought bread was my biggest enemy.  Unless my stomach was so immune that it didn't have to ache anymore.  Sad, if true.
3 kernels of target popcorn. -- oh man, was that awful!  i could smell that it was gonna mess me up before I ate it.
2 diet cokes - don't think this is having any immediate negative effect that I can feel, but maybe it's contributing to the bloated belly.

Did I mention that my bloating is totally back? Yep!  I may be less weight, but my pooch is back. argggh!  Jordan is convinced that I need to have my doctor find out what is really wrong with me.  I think it is because of Whole30 cleaning me out that I can literally FEEL everything going into my stomach.  Everything!  Do I really want to stay that sensitive to all foods?  Do I really need to give up so much, forever?  This is kinda depressing.

So, tomorrow's plan for Day 34: eat Whole30 (plus cream in my coffee). Period. I prefer feeling good throughout the day.  Really. I want my happy tummy back!

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