Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Whole30 Day 30

Well, it's finally here!  I can hardly believe it!  I feel like a changed woman and I am praying that I can have the wisdom and self-control to keep up the good work!

I am happy to report that I won the "biggest loser" challenge for week 3 at the Y with 3.8lbs lost.  What in the world!?  I go from being so low on the leader board that I didn't even show up on it, to winning!  It's hilarious!  Maybe some folks are slowing down.  I'm just trying to keep a steady pace.  It was encouraging though.  I pick up my prize today.  Wonder what it is...  I didn't even look at the prize this week because I knew there was no way I was going to win it. 

As of Monday's weigh in I lost 14 quality, healthy pounds during these past 30 days.  With no starvation -- just a lot of saying "no" to the things that weigh me down.  There is SO much spiritual application that I have taken away from this journey!  The discipline of my body has leaked over into my spiritual disciplines.  I feel more clear, more responsive, and I feel stronger in my mind, body, and spirit.

I will keep posting through the next couple of weeks about my gradual food re-entry.  Tomorrow I begin with dairy.  My goal is to find out what things really bother me and what things are fine to eat without repercussion.


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