Thursday, February 2, 2012

DAY 31

So what did I enjoy today?
What did I NOT enjoy today?

Reintroducing Dairy and Diet Coke
Cream in my coffee was not disappointing.  Wow! So wonderful.  And as far as I can tell, went down without a hitch.  I have a very responsive stomach to things it doesn't like.

Next stop: Sonic.  Diet Coke was also not a disappointment.  Tasted great. And although I'm not as used to carbonation in general now, it didn't bother my tummy.  I will say that the 2nd Diet Coke in the afternoon, did start to bother me.  Two in one day wasn't the best idea.

Hershey's bars are sectioned off into small little rectangles.  I have been using the little rectangle pieces to top peanut butter cookies lately, so I thought: Hm... milk chocolate is dairy.  I'll try a square.  I bit 1/2 of the square and it tasted kinda boring.  Didn't like it enough to eat the rest of the piece.  I just threw it away.  Weird.  didn't enjoy that too much.  I wonder if it was just that type of chocolate or my taste for chocolate has been altered. I'm not sure how I feel about it either way.

I did one more unpleasant act when I grabbed a small palm filled with Archer Farms Monster Trail Mix.  So many tastes and flavors!  But not worth the bloating or cramped feeling in my upper abdomen.  Sugar is not my friend -- even in the smallest dose.

After these experiments I found myself craving my faithful almonds and a salad.  Really? I crave salad now?  I think that's weirder than not liking the Hershey's chocolate.

I am reading through 2 Corinthians and my scripture a couple of days ago landed here: 2 Cor. 7:1.  I wonder how important keeping my body clear before God matters to him?  This verse makes it seem like it is as important as keeping my spirit clear before him.  I have a long way to go before I understand all of this, but I like the journey!


p.s.  did i mention that cream with coffee ROCKS!?

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