Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 1 - Whoa!

If you take out my crazy 2-3pm food craving, my frustration with only being able to drink water, tea, or black coffee, and some sadness at eating my acorn squash with salt and pepper, then it was a good day.

I weighed in today at the Y and am not supposed to weigh in again till the end of the 30 days on this plan.  However, I also joined a New Year's Challenge at the Y, where I have weekly weigh-ins for 6 weeks.  So I think I'm going to tell the instructor to take my weight but not tell me for the first 4 weeks.  Mysterious, huh? 

My saving grace today was almonds!  Thank God for almonds and almond butter.  My best snack today was carrots with almond butter.  I think the Whole30 police might not have approved of my nut intake for the day, but I'm sure I will be better at rationing as we move along!

I think my body might be crashing from the flurry of wonderful Christmas delights over the past two weeks because by about 4pm I was sooo tired and felt lethargic.

All in all day one was a success.  I think I need to eat more meat tomorrow.  Those veggies burn away too fast!  (Well, I guess that's a good thing!) Tonight's grilled pork chop was a very nice finish to the day. 

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