Thursday, January 12, 2012

I See the Signs

I'm at the end of day 10 and today is the first day I could say without doubt that I feel a difference in my clothes.  It's not a drastic change, but I feel like my legs fit differently in the jeans.

I fasted breakfast and lunch today to focus my heart on praying for the kids of Norman Community Church.  I wouldn't normally mention that I fasted, but I thought it was interesting how my body responded.  Usually it's screaming for attention and feeling the deprivation of the day.  But after a few tummy gurgles when I first woke up, I really was fine. 

You see, when I have fasted other times, my body has to recover from all the sugar and carbs and it's not pretty.  I have more cravings and just feel generally sad that I can't eat.  Today it was no big deal.  Different.  Very Different.  You see, if you read the beginning of this blog I was a teeny weeny bit grumpy during the first five days of this "fasted" lifestyle.  So I guess I already had that sugar/carb detox already checked off the list.

And about diet coke... I know you are probably sick of hearing about it, but I was talking with my mother-in-law yesterday and she said that even after two years of being off of it, she still misses it.  So I will not be too hard on myself if I just WANT one.  I might end up treating it like one of those fond "Remember when..." memories.  Like, remember when we were single and could go out to a movie any time we wanted? (you know before husband and kids) And when we traveled more?

In 5 days I will be 1/2 way through this thing.  I am really encouraged.  I got a call from Bethany today.  She was encouraging me in my crazy endeavor.  That felt good coming from a woman who can make bread from her own stone ground wheat.  It totally made my day.  Thanks Bethany.

And blood pressure was on the dot normal today. I like where this is headed!


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