Monday, January 2, 2012

The Eve of the 1st 30 Days of the Rest of my life: Whole30

I'm not accustomed to failing and I don't like quitting.  But I must admit, that I'm a bit nervous about beginning this new lifestyle.  No dairy, no sugar (not even substitutes), no peanut butter, and... drum roll please ... no fountain diet cokes with crushed ice.

What would make me do this crazy thing?  Well, my doctor recommended it.  He listened to all of my bodily quirks and ailments and thought it would be good to clean up my system.  I'm excited about helping my blood pressure stay normal, not having a bloated tummy, looking forward to a reduction in achy joints and an increase in energy (especially when I work out).

(I'm not supposed to mention that I will probably lose weight, but I am looking forward to that too since I'm going to be eating like a baby (pure and natural) and a beast (meaty).

I'm going to track what I eat, how I feel, and most of all, how I didn't cheat!  That's right.  I'm not gonna do it!  I'm gonna resist temptation, fight the urge, and win!  Ha!  (Help me, Jesus!)


  1. Do not be deceived by my title. I am committing to 30 days. Then I'll reevaluate how I'll be fit for life after that! Not convinced I'll be a Whole30-er for life!

  2. You are very brave, my dear. I miss our days of making brownies and enjoying them over a game of Scrabble. :)

  3. I'm mainly impressed by the statement, "when I workout" - you can do it Anna Marie!! I should come make you a big smoothie :)

  4. Blessed are those who dare to dream dreams and are willing to pay the price to make them happen. I know you will be successful because you are operating under the truths that ultimately your family is more important than a fountain diet coke with crushed ice; honoring God in your life with your choice of food is more important than self indulgence; and courage is not being afraid, it's continuing in the face of your fears. You are courageous Anna-Marie!

  5. Thanks everyone! It's challenging, but good.

    And Shelli, those days were priceless. Don't forget about the Cheez-its! I got all the burned ones!
