Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Is this over yet?

Okay, so I'm on Day 22, and my weigh in yesterday made me so sad.  Zero pounds lost.  I worked out five times last week and have been eating leaves galore!  What!?  The staff at the Y tried to encourage me with the fact that muscle weighs more than fat, but it was still discouraging overall.  I know my body shape has changed so my consistent word still comes from Ecclesiastes 7:8 "Finishing is better than starting.  And patience is better than pride."  My goal here is to finish well what I started doing 22 days ago.  And as is with most things that produce lasting change, it takes TIME.  And time means patience.

For the next week my challenge from the Y is to keep a food journal.  So I'll do that and see if there are any things that might be give me insight into any poor food choices.  But overall, I haven't cheated the basic elements of this diet, so that should be pretty good.  I do love snacks so maybe that's the problem! -- even approved ones!


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