Saturday, January 7, 2012

Much Better

Today I felt much more normal.  Whew!  I had a chance to do a little run a the Y and that felt good too.  And to my utter amazement the first Whole30 breakfast quiche I smelled the house up with early this morning was VERY tasty!  Finally, a recipe (whole30 or otherwise) that gives a good return on the amount of labor.  I hate taking extra time and then the dish tastes blah!  I made this quiche with kale -- something I've never cooked with before - and voila!  It was crunchy and savory.

I also discovered that pure vanilla doesn't taste good in sparkling H2O.  Yuck!

1 comment:

  1. Anna with a blog? Yes, please!

    If there is anyone on this planet who can successfully work this crazy plan, it's you, my friend. I totally believe in you! Praying tons of grace over every one of your moments for the rest of your 30 days.

    Love you!
