Friday, January 13, 2012

Note to Self

So I thought I had a good idea when I purchased the new Apples 'n Greens smoothie from Jamba Juice.  Okay, smoothies aren't technically okay, but I thought having 1/2 of it as veggies would make it work.  Not!  Those 16 ounces tore my stomach up!  I should have taken note that my body wasn't too happy with the idea when I burped after every sip.  Duh!  Then the good 'ol bloated belly came roaring back.  No more Jamba Juice for me -- at least during this season of my life.

And I've been wondering about bananas.  It might be my imagination but since I've become a lot more aware of how things are affecting my body, I don't always feel the best after eating bananas.  For one thing, as it goes down it feels thick -- kinda like I'm swallowing steak that hasn't been chewed well enough.  You know -- when it feels like it might get stuck going down.  That's not good, right? So maybe I'm sensitive to bananas.  However, I feel like my body needs those vitamins.  I'm in a quandary. (NOTE: I had to look up the spelling of that word.  It looks weird to me with an "a" after the d, but the red "misspelled" line wouldn't go away without it.)

Day 11 was good.  Blood pressure is normal.  Had a good workout.  I need to do some research on what I might be able to do for my scratchy throat and stuffy head.  I don't remember reading anything about medicine...

I'm really tired.  Good night.

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