Tuesday, February 21, 2012


So, I finished my 6 week challenge at the Y and my total weight loss since the beginning of Whole30 is still 14 lbs.  I'm at 151.6 now.  That might not sound like a big deal to most, but I am really proud of that!  It is really hard for a 40 yr old to lose weight!

The sad part is that I still have it in my mind that I can eat junk and be happy in my body.  My experimentation is officially over - after 19 days.  My blood pressure was up today when I went to the doc, and I can probably attribute it to my chocolate and cookie intake over the past couple of days.

 Last week I ditched diet coke for good.  I'm not going to make any other declarations about what food I am or am not going to eat, but I don't really miss bread -- and I won't miss what it does to my system!  And sugar is really the enemy.  Not a new truth, but one that needs to be ever present in my daily life.

My pride makes me not like eating paleo because it seems like such a cool fad that cool people do.  I don't want to just be in the latest fad.  So, I need to just not care about that and do what's right for me.  The one thing I don't want to do is be annoying at holidays and family functions.  But I'll figure that out soon enough!

annafit4life signing out.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Not fun

So, I have pretty much discovered that i can eat nothing (except maybe some dairy) that doesn't upset my stomach.  I did ruin my "control group" experience by testing more than one food group.  oops!  my stomach is jacked up and I haven't eaten big portions of anything.

organic peanut butter with no sugar added -- didn't like me (come to think of it, the peanuts i ate yesterday tasted great, but didn't go down as well either.  big big bummer!)
chocolate -- it's a no go, but I'm not giving up till i find one that is nicer. (a peanut m&m didn't hurt me! yay!)
bacon -- absolutely no way!  I may have it as a garnish, but it really tore me up.
one goldfish - that went down okay
2 bites of homemade sourdough pizza -- surprisingly didn't bother me.  Hm.  And I thought bread was my biggest enemy.  Unless my stomach was so immune that it didn't have to ache anymore.  Sad, if true.
3 kernels of target popcorn. -- oh man, was that awful!  i could smell that it was gonna mess me up before I ate it.
2 diet cokes - don't think this is having any immediate negative effect that I can feel, but maybe it's contributing to the bloated belly.

Did I mention that my bloating is totally back? Yep!  I may be less weight, but my pooch is back. argggh!  Jordan is convinced that I need to have my doctor find out what is really wrong with me.  I think it is because of Whole30 cleaning me out that I can literally FEEL everything going into my stomach.  Everything!  Do I really want to stay that sensitive to all foods?  Do I really need to give up so much, forever?  This is kinda depressing.

So, tomorrow's plan for Day 34: eat Whole30 (plus cream in my coffee). Period. I prefer feeling good throughout the day.  Really. I want my happy tummy back!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

DAY 31

So what did I enjoy today?
What did I NOT enjoy today?

Reintroducing Dairy and Diet Coke
Cream in my coffee was not disappointing.  Wow! So wonderful.  And as far as I can tell, went down without a hitch.  I have a very responsive stomach to things it doesn't like.

Next stop: Sonic.  Diet Coke was also not a disappointment.  Tasted great. And although I'm not as used to carbonation in general now, it didn't bother my tummy.  I will say that the 2nd Diet Coke in the afternoon, did start to bother me.  Two in one day wasn't the best idea.

Hershey's bars are sectioned off into small little rectangles.  I have been using the little rectangle pieces to top peanut butter cookies lately, so I thought: Hm... milk chocolate is dairy.  I'll try a square.  I bit 1/2 of the square and it tasted kinda boring.  Didn't like it enough to eat the rest of the piece.  I just threw it away.  Weird.  didn't enjoy that too much.  I wonder if it was just that type of chocolate or my taste for chocolate has been altered. I'm not sure how I feel about it either way.

I did one more unpleasant act when I grabbed a small palm filled with Archer Farms Monster Trail Mix.  So many tastes and flavors!  But not worth the bloating or cramped feeling in my upper abdomen.  Sugar is not my friend -- even in the smallest dose.

After these experiments I found myself craving my faithful almonds and a salad.  Really? I crave salad now?  I think that's weirder than not liking the Hershey's chocolate.

I am reading through 2 Corinthians and my scripture a couple of days ago landed here: 2 Cor. 7:1.  I wonder how important keeping my body clear before God matters to him?  This verse makes it seem like it is as important as keeping my spirit clear before him.  I have a long way to go before I understand all of this, but I like the journey!


p.s.  did i mention that cream with coffee ROCKS!?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Whole30 Day 30

Well, it's finally here!  I can hardly believe it!  I feel like a changed woman and I am praying that I can have the wisdom and self-control to keep up the good work!

I am happy to report that I won the "biggest loser" challenge for week 3 at the Y with 3.8lbs lost.  What in the world!?  I go from being so low on the leader board that I didn't even show up on it, to winning!  It's hilarious!  Maybe some folks are slowing down.  I'm just trying to keep a steady pace.  It was encouraging though.  I pick up my prize today.  Wonder what it is...  I didn't even look at the prize this week because I knew there was no way I was going to win it. 

As of Monday's weigh in I lost 14 quality, healthy pounds during these past 30 days.  With no starvation -- just a lot of saying "no" to the things that weigh me down.  There is SO much spiritual application that I have taken away from this journey!  The discipline of my body has leaked over into my spiritual disciplines.  I feel more clear, more responsive, and I feel stronger in my mind, body, and spirit.

I will keep posting through the next couple of weeks about my gradual food re-entry.  Tomorrow I begin with dairy.  My goal is to find out what things really bother me and what things are fine to eat without repercussion.


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Potluck Blues!

For the first time in my 27 days of Whole30, I was at my house church potluck where there was NOTHING Whole30 approved that I could eat.  It was weird. I felt like a foreigner.  And the food looked AMAZING!  I had just finished an Americano so I wasn't uber hungry but Shelby (the beautiful hostess) offered me a granny smith.  That did the trick till I got home and had an egg.  I am not sure what set it off, but my stomach doesn't feel quite right.  I have some indigestion/heart burn.  Hm.  I did have almonds before and after the egg with a dessert of sweet potato with cinnamon -- but that shouldn't do it.  I put about a 1/4 tsp of bacon grease into my egg.  Could that have messed me up? I licked a drop of the new balsamic vinegarette that I made this evening -- maybe it was too strong?!  I don't know.  I'll just go to bed and start fresh in the morning.  It will be Day 28.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The end is near!

What a great journey this has been.  My body is so much more alert -- to what is going in it, and I do feel like I have more energy.  Yes!  One of the best things has been my blood pressure.  So good that my body has healed enough to regulate my blood pressure.  Thank you, Lord!  That is a real testimony to this type of diet.

I am glad that I made the decision to do this diet.  The only purchases I regret are:

-fresh mint (didn't like in my water, and didn't want to clean all the dirt that was with it)
-real vanilla (super-expensive tiny jar and tasted bad in my water. :()

I am going to weigh in officially on Monday.  I know, I know!  It's two days before the end, but truth be told, I accidentally saw my weight written down at the doctor's office, so I felt the freedom to check now.  The secrecy has kinda been blown.  So checking my weight has been my major "cheat".  I didn't cheat on food -- unless you count the almonds and cashews that were cooked in peanut or vegetable oil.

Thanks to everyone who cheered me on!  This was a group effort!


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Is this over yet?

Okay, so I'm on Day 22, and my weigh in yesterday made me so sad.  Zero pounds lost.  I worked out five times last week and have been eating leaves galore!  What!?  The staff at the Y tried to encourage me with the fact that muscle weighs more than fat, but it was still discouraging overall.  I know my body shape has changed so my consistent word still comes from Ecclesiastes 7:8 "Finishing is better than starting.  And patience is better than pride."  My goal here is to finish well what I started doing 22 days ago.  And as is with most things that produce lasting change, it takes TIME.  And time means patience.

For the next week my challenge from the Y is to keep a food journal.  So I'll do that and see if there are any things that might be give me insight into any poor food choices.  But overall, I haven't cheated the basic elements of this diet, so that should be pretty good.  I do love snacks so maybe that's the problem! -- even approved ones!


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Can't Believe I'm 10 Days Away!

This is good.  This is really good.  I feel the momentum of the backside of the mountain.  Finishing up Day 20 feels like big deal. I know it will be a bigger deal on Day 30! 

This was yet another day when I had great blood pressure.  So for that I say, the experiment worked!  What a cool thing to feel more in control of that part of my life.  Our bodies respond to how we treat them.  I know -- not a news flash by any means, but something that I have ignored in my life.  A lot!  Food is just another way that I deny my desires for better ones because I know the kind of fruit that it produces.

I had a great run today at the Y.  It was hard, but good.

The partnerships I'm looking forward to - (I think I'm supposed to introduce a food group back in one at a time after the 30 days):

coffee & cream
salsa & tortilla chips
me & sonic happy hour

And at some point I'd like to add cheese back into my eggs and with my salad -- but no rush on that one!

It is well with my soul,

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 19

It is a sobering thing for me to realize that I'm on Day 19 of this new season of my life.  I wish I could say that I feel strong enough to not overeat or eat junk again, but I cannot.  This diet is a crash course in weakness.  How do I acknowledge weakness in a way that gives glory to God?  I depend. 

There is a way of thought that says that longing for the "better" things helps us have less appetite for the "lesser" things.  That's what I'm shooting for overall.  But I am also going to accompany that with grace!  Grace is power.  Power to do the right thing.  Power to not walk in shame when I mess up.

The thing I miss today: crackers (all types) :)


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snacky on Day 17

It's never good when I reach the evening and am in a snacky mood.  I mean really! What can I snack on?  Carrots, celery, a small amount of nuts, a piece of fruit... I just had some flaked coconut mixed with a few cashews.  It was actually pretty good together.  But my brain still wants some chips! And I'm probably not supposed to eat any snack after dinner anyway, but those salads burn off so quickly!

This morning I had a weird experience.  Since I made clarified butter for my curry dish yesterday, I thought I'd try using it for my egg this morning.  Guess what?  I felt sick for about two hours after that.  No good.  Didn't like that at all.  Really?  Can I not have butter EVER AGAIN? This is not good.  I hope it was a fluke.  But I will go back to only using it in a recipes for now.  Not worth the awful feeling at this point.

I have a feeling that when I begin to reintroduce different foods into my diet that I'm going to be unfortunately disappointed at what I find....

Day 17

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

So delicious!

I have issue with recipes that make me work really hard and then the result is just "so-so."  Well I'm here to say "Not today!"  Wow, I made this amazing Indian curry chicken today.  I've never made curry anything before.  And I used two ingredients that I've never cooked with before: fresh ginger root, and coconut milk.

This is the part of Whole30 that I really am beginning to enjoy: experimenting with new recipes.  I used to do that more when I was a wee lass, but convenience and quickness have made me settle for more of the familiar stuff.

I am still feeling great and looking forward to what 14 more days will have in store!  I can hardly believe that I'm halfway through this portion of my diet.  Then I go 2.5 more weeks until the end of the YMCA New Year's Challenge.


annafit4life :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Good News Bad News

Well the good news is that I did lose 2.4 lbs last week.  Yay!  Under the circumstances I'd say that's pretty good since I'm not really "restricting" my diet any more.  That much weight off in one week may not be sustainable, but I am going to keep aiming for a high goal since I've got a window of opportunity for the next 5 weeks.

Now for the bad news.  Cauliflower Fried Rice made my stomach uncomfortable and now I feel bloated.  Cauliflower does that to me sometimes.  I thought I might get away with it, but I will be thinking of Plan B for my "special" fried rice.

I'm starting a list of the foods that I don't settle well in my stomach.  Cauliflower and bananas are now on the list.  I'm sure that I am more aware of how food affects me since I am streamlining it so much.  And the fact is, I've thoroughly enjoyed feeling REALLY GREAT!  I don't really want to go back to feeling terrible, do I?

Till next time....


New Recipe! Yum!

So I just finished making a wonderful recipe: Cauliflower Fried Rice.  Instead of soy sauce I just added some salt, but I suspect that after my Whole30, I'd much rather use the soy sauce.  Here's where I found the recipe.  Click here for recipe!

I'm pretty excited about going to my weigh-in later on this evening.  From what I can tell with my body, this week has had some breakthrough in weight falling off -- or so it seems.

This morning as Jordan was taking off his gear after a night of police work he looked at me and said, "Ribs. Ribs?  I can see your ribs."  Which just means that there is now more space between my chest and my belly.  LOL!

Also going to try some curry chicken on Wednesday.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Achy hips

For the past two days my hips have mysteriously been aching.  They feel like someone punched them and they got bruised.  So today I was with one of my friends and she randomly mentioned that her hips hurt when she detoxed caffeine several years ago.  Hm.  I'm still having caffeine in coffee and tea, but maybe this explains my strange ache.  Hope it goes away soon.  Buh-bye toxins!  Poof!

I had some really strong cravings this evening after I had dinner.  I was picking up bbq for Jordan and on my way home the Braum's Ice Cream sign was like a Siren calling.  "I am so wonderful and good, please come..." Clearly, I kept on driving, but I wondered how to combat this nag -- other than asking Holy Spirit for help.

When I got home, I heated up a sweet potato that I baked a couple of days ago.  I guess I really didn't get full from my spinach "taco" salad, so the warm sweet potato really satisfied!  I have just been putting salt on the sweet potato and calling it good.  Well, it actually is good that way.  I don't need all the oozy butter and brown sugar to enjoy it.  Now acorn squash is another story.  That is much more difficult to eat the Whole30 way because the texture is weirder.

I still LOVE the smell of bread but today I am happy to report that I didn't feel the pull to eat it when we had Panera bagels for breakfast at our church retreat (asiago is my fav) and Hideaway pizza for lunch.

Progress is so wonderful!


Chips, please!

I love chips!  Potato. Tortilla. Dorito. Sun Chips.  It's so American.  I mean really -- Sandwich, chips, and a carbonated beverage of your choice is the American way, right?  And do you know what else I love?  Crackers!  Crunchy, wonderful crackers with salt and sometimes other cheeses, herbs, and spices.  What's not to love about Cheez-its?  Okay, I guess I don't love when they show up on my hips.  I love everything else though!

So today, I'm going to be strong through temptation.  To God be the glory, great things he has done!

annafit4life - day 12

Friday, January 13, 2012

Note to Self

So I thought I had a good idea when I purchased the new Apples 'n Greens smoothie from Jamba Juice.  Okay, smoothies aren't technically okay, but I thought having 1/2 of it as veggies would make it work.  Not!  Those 16 ounces tore my stomach up!  I should have taken note that my body wasn't too happy with the idea when I burped after every sip.  Duh!  Then the good 'ol bloated belly came roaring back.  No more Jamba Juice for me -- at least during this season of my life.

And I've been wondering about bananas.  It might be my imagination but since I've become a lot more aware of how things are affecting my body, I don't always feel the best after eating bananas.  For one thing, as it goes down it feels thick -- kinda like I'm swallowing steak that hasn't been chewed well enough.  You know -- when it feels like it might get stuck going down.  That's not good, right? So maybe I'm sensitive to bananas.  However, I feel like my body needs those vitamins.  I'm in a quandary. (NOTE: I had to look up the spelling of that word.  It looks weird to me with an "a" after the d, but the red "misspelled" line wouldn't go away without it.)

Day 11 was good.  Blood pressure is normal.  Had a good workout.  I need to do some research on what I might be able to do for my scratchy throat and stuffy head.  I don't remember reading anything about medicine...

I'm really tired.  Good night.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I See the Signs

I'm at the end of day 10 and today is the first day I could say without doubt that I feel a difference in my clothes.  It's not a drastic change, but I feel like my legs fit differently in the jeans.

I fasted breakfast and lunch today to focus my heart on praying for the kids of Norman Community Church.  I wouldn't normally mention that I fasted, but I thought it was interesting how my body responded.  Usually it's screaming for attention and feeling the deprivation of the day.  But after a few tummy gurgles when I first woke up, I really was fine. 

You see, when I have fasted other times, my body has to recover from all the sugar and carbs and it's not pretty.  I have more cravings and just feel generally sad that I can't eat.  Today it was no big deal.  Different.  Very Different.  You see, if you read the beginning of this blog I was a teeny weeny bit grumpy during the first five days of this "fasted" lifestyle.  So I guess I already had that sugar/carb detox already checked off the list.

And about diet coke... I know you are probably sick of hearing about it, but I was talking with my mother-in-law yesterday and she said that even after two years of being off of it, she still misses it.  So I will not be too hard on myself if I just WANT one.  I might end up treating it like one of those fond "Remember when..." memories.  Like, remember when we were single and could go out to a movie any time we wanted? (you know before husband and kids) And when we traveled more?

In 5 days I will be 1/2 way through this thing.  I am really encouraged.  I got a call from Bethany today.  She was encouraging me in my crazy endeavor.  That felt good coming from a woman who can make bread from her own stone ground wheat.  It totally made my day.  Thanks Bethany.

And blood pressure was on the dot normal today. I like where this is headed!


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Things I've said today...

"The sun is shining, I'm passing Chik-Fil-A, this is the perfect day for a diet coke!"  But no diet coke.
"I need some chocolate!" (After cleaning up toothpaste off of my bathroom counter.  Again! Boys, boys, boys!).  But no chocolate today.
"I feel skinny on the inside."  My response after Jordan asked how I am doing.  I don't feel as "heavy" on the inside -- Like I'm not walking through thick pudding...

I think I'm really getting used to this.  I'm finishing Day 9, and I am grateful.  I'm still pretty perplexed about my tummy bloating after eating something as simple as homemade chicken soup.  I'll have to ask my doc about that one.

Today on my date with Jordan to Chili's I felt like one of "those" people when I asked if there was any sugar in the fajitas.  I found out that the chicken marinade does have high fructose corn syrup, but the beef has no sugar.  I didn't order that anyway -- thought it might sit too heavy on my stomach.  Went for the cobb salad with no bacon, cheese or dressing and I asked for a side of guac for my dressing.  That was actually really good.  And the manager also told me that I can request chicken that hasn't been in the marinade for next time.


Eccesiastes 7:8 - Finishing is better than starting.  Patience is better than pride.

Monday, January 9, 2012

7 days done!

Wow!  I have so much grace to do this eating lifestyle.  It really has gotten a bunch easier.  Don't get me wrong.  I do want a cookie, cream in my coffee, and a diet coke.  (Hey!  Those all start with "c").  However, I don't feel the craving to have these things.  Rather I feel the freedom to not be controlled by those things.  Yes!

Today I started a 6 wk challenge at the Y.  I have no idea how many people are in the challenge, but I do know that there is a prize for the biggest "loser" each week and then one at the end.  So, the challenge is on.  This challenge will go on almost 3 weeks after my last official day of whole30, so I can't just fall off the deep end after finishing the 30 days.  Nice, huh?  I did have to set a goal for this week and I shot high at 3lbs.  We'll see how it goes.

Jordan says I look thinner, but I'm not convinced yet.

As for blood pressure, it has been normal for the past three days.  Great!  That's encouraging!  The last part of this post is only for those who don't mind a little bathroom talk so if you do mind, then STOP READING RIGHT NOW!

Okay, my pee has changed smells over the last 3 days.  Is it toxins leaving my body?  It is pretty weird.  It doesn't smell very good.  Now that wasn't so bad, was it?  I knew you'd read it...

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Encouragement.  I like it.  It helps me when my friends believe in me.  And that's all I'm sayin'.

Good night day 6!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Much Better

Today I felt much more normal.  Whew!  I had a chance to do a little run a the Y and that felt good too.  And to my utter amazement the first Whole30 breakfast quiche I smelled the house up with early this morning was VERY tasty!  Finally, a recipe (whole30 or otherwise) that gives a good return on the amount of labor.  I hate taking extra time and then the dish tastes blah!  I made this quiche with kale -- something I've never cooked with before - and voila!  It was crunchy and savory.

I also discovered that pure vanilla doesn't taste good in sparkling H2O.  Yuck!

Friday, January 6, 2012

I'm on day WHAT?!

Seriously!  This is only day 4!  OH MY GOODNESS!  I'm expending SO much thought into what I eat at every meal.  Maybe that's why I've been so tired.  LOL! And I might be just a little grumpy.  So, I'm learning how to depend on Holy Spirit for joy -- reflecting on the benefits and future glory of this way of eating.

I'm the first one to say that I hate the word "boring" -- life is so exciting and there are so many things to do, that one should never have time for boredom.  However, I must admit that I have thought that the food I'm eating is getting a bit boring.  So many experiences and flavors lost.  Gone.  I have made eggs for breakfast in so many different ways -- but it's just that eggs are the easiest most breakfasty thing for me to eat.  I haven't gone to eating steak or chicken for breakfast yet.  Maybe later.

Then add in that I have to feed my family and they can eat normal things.  I made steak and salad for Jordan and I and the kids got tacos.  But all of my guys had a side of rice.  I like rice.  It smells good.  It tastes good -- especially with butter, salt and pepper!

I know this will get better -- well I hope -- but my bloating is still around.  This has me quite intrigued since I was blaming bread and "bad" carbs on that.  I'm going to start tracking my blood pressure tomorrow to see what I observe.

My enjoyable splurges of the day:
balsamic vinegar (made a good salad dressing)
cafe americano
grapes (tasted good in the steak salad w. the dressing)

I have a good life.   I'm blessed with good children and a husband that adores me.  I must not lose focus.  This is doable.  I am just more aware of my weaknesses and I don't like it too much. After starting the 2nd book of Corinthians this morning I was reminded that God loves to comfort.  I need to look to him for my comfort -- and he'll be there.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Not Easy - Day 3

Today has been a stressful day.  And do you know what I thought would make all my stress go away?  Goldfish.  Tiny little cheddar crackers that I can load into my mouth by the handful and have no idea what damage I've done to that tiny little sack.  But... didn't happen.  Instead I took a big sip of my new favorite drink: sparkling water and lime.  Sparkling water is saving the day, my friends!

I sure do wish that I didn't get so sleepy in the afternoons -- it's like nothing satisfies or gets me out of the slump. After dinner though, I usually make a comeback.  Well, I said usually like I've been doing this my whole life.  Day 3, Anna!  Keep your perspective!

Tonight I served crackers and cheese with some leftover peppermint oreos.  I would say that I really wouldn't have minded taking a few crackers. But.... didn't happen.  While we're talking about it, I really miss my cheese.  Oh well.  This too shall pass.

Besides the goldfish I really haven't had crazy cravings -- what I miss most is being able to choose what I want when I want it.  I have relinquished control.  There is a grieving process, no?  I know that what I'll gain on the other side is worth the grief now.  So, onward Christian soldier!  Day 4 tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Would you believe that one of my biggest challenges is not licking my fingers (or the knife) after I make peanut butter and jelly for my boys? And it is not grabbing a handful of New Os (aka Market Pantry Honey & Nut Toasted Oats) after I pour cereal for the boys.  It's the little things...

And about that Diet Coke...  I can really live without it, but not having ANY carbonated beverage is getting old really quick.  Time to check out sparkling water!  I can squeeze a lime or lemon in it and pretend! :)

Today I do not miss sugar*, but I've fasted sugar plenty-o times so maybe that's why.  I've been a South Beach Diet girl since about 2005.

*I do get to enjoy the natural sugars in fruit a couple of times a day.

Funny note: Jordan was surprised that I could enjoy our very delicious grilled pork chop last night.  He thought if it was tasty and enjoyable that I couldn't eat it!  Ha!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 1 - Whoa!

If you take out my crazy 2-3pm food craving, my frustration with only being able to drink water, tea, or black coffee, and some sadness at eating my acorn squash with salt and pepper, then it was a good day.

I weighed in today at the Y and am not supposed to weigh in again till the end of the 30 days on this plan.  However, I also joined a New Year's Challenge at the Y, where I have weekly weigh-ins for 6 weeks.  So I think I'm going to tell the instructor to take my weight but not tell me for the first 4 weeks.  Mysterious, huh? 

My saving grace today was almonds!  Thank God for almonds and almond butter.  My best snack today was carrots with almond butter.  I think the Whole30 police might not have approved of my nut intake for the day, but I'm sure I will be better at rationing as we move along!

I think my body might be crashing from the flurry of wonderful Christmas delights over the past two weeks because by about 4pm I was sooo tired and felt lethargic.

All in all day one was a success.  I think I need to eat more meat tomorrow.  Those veggies burn away too fast!  (Well, I guess that's a good thing!) Tonight's grilled pork chop was a very nice finish to the day. 

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Eve of the 1st 30 Days of the Rest of my life: Whole30

I'm not accustomed to failing and I don't like quitting.  But I must admit, that I'm a bit nervous about beginning this new lifestyle.  No dairy, no sugar (not even substitutes), no peanut butter, and... drum roll please ... no fountain diet cokes with crushed ice.

What would make me do this crazy thing?  Well, my doctor recommended it.  He listened to all of my bodily quirks and ailments and thought it would be good to clean up my system.  I'm excited about helping my blood pressure stay normal, not having a bloated tummy, looking forward to a reduction in achy joints and an increase in energy (especially when I work out).

(I'm not supposed to mention that I will probably lose weight, but I am looking forward to that too since I'm going to be eating like a baby (pure and natural) and a beast (meaty).

I'm going to track what I eat, how I feel, and most of all, how I didn't cheat!  That's right.  I'm not gonna do it!  I'm gonna resist temptation, fight the urge, and win!  Ha!  (Help me, Jesus!)